Nulsen Group has received a Lotterywest grant of $254,900 which has contributed to covering the additional costs of keeping residents with complex disabilities safe from COVID-19.
Nulsen Group CEO Gordon Trewern said the Lotterywest grant is a welcome contribution to the cost of providing all homes and facilities with additional protective equipment and new technology.
“People with complex disabilities are among the most vulnerable members of our community who are most at risk from COVID-19, along with the elderly and those with chronic illness,” Mr Trewern said.
“To date, none of our Nulsen Group residents or staff have contracted the virus and we are working hard to keep it that way.
“Our track record is directly attributable to our dedicated staff and their commitment to the safety of over 200 people with complex disabilities in our care,” he said.
Nulsen Group provides essential services to more than 4,000 Western Australians with complex support needs across the areas of disability, justice, child protection, housing and allied health.
“While the aged care sector received additional Commonwealth funding to assist with the cost burden of managing COVID-19, the disability services sector was overlooked despite the greater risk for those with disabilities,” Mr Trewern said.
Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson said the State Government’s number one priority was keeping everyone in the community safe, including people with complex needs.
“I commend Nulsen Group for its commitment to safety and quickly adapting to the increased restrictions which were important to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
“The State Government through Lotterywest is granting up to $159 million to community organisations to support their fight against the spread of COVID-19 in Western Australia,” Minster Dawson said.
Nulsen Group CEO Gordon Trewern and Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson