15 May 2019

Lotterywest gallops to assistance

There are few bonds more extraordinary than the relationship between a horse and its rider – a notion that couldn’t be truer for Eloise Bolam.


The start of Eloise’s life was difficult, suffering three strokes at just 11 months old.


The effects have remained with the 23-year-old, including physical and intellectual disabilities; however thanks to Riding for the Disabled these setbacks haven’t stalled her drive to achieve.


“I’ve been here for so long, I have a connection with all the horses and all the people involved,” she said.


“It’s improved my core strength, my confidence and opened up so many pathways for me.


“I love it here, I would spend every day here if I could.”


For close to 18 years Eloise has been involved with Riding for the Disabled, which enables people with a disability to experience positive challenges through equestrian activities.


Eloise’s mother Cath said her daughter’s time at Riding for the Disabled has allowed her to travel across Australia.


“She’s represented Western Australia five times at national level, with a range of gold, silver and bronze medals,” she said.


“She couldn’t swim, she couldn’t ride a bike, she couldn’t do any of those things, but the horse just seems to understand her.


“For kids with all sorts of disabilities, the horses are incredible with them.  They’re patient and it’s such a bonus for the kids.”


Based in Carine, Eloise is just one of more than 100 clients who ride with horses as a way to enrich their lives through sporting, therapeutic and educational activities.

Horse riding helps people with disabilities by strengthening muscles and improving balance, coordination, respiration, circulation and sensory integration.


RDA in Carine recently received a $200,000 Lotterywest grant towards an arena cover which will enable access for its riders in rain, hail or shine.


“Horses cost a lot of money, to feed, to vet…so we wouldn’t be able to afford this without this incredible Lotterywest support,” Mrs Bolam said.


“We’re grateful to Lotterywest in helping us to continue in what we do.”

Media Enquiries Jennie Fitzhardinge & Hermione Coleman: 9488 6227 / 0438 996 884

Eloise has been able to travel across Australia thanks to Riding for the Disabled Eloise has been able to travel across Australia thanks to Riding for the Disabled