Payment process
Lotterywest provides written advice on the outcome of all applications. If your grant is approved, we will advise you of payment arrangements and our requirements for reporting on the grant and acquitting the funds.
Grants are paid through an electronic funds transfer. Please ensure that the bank account details provided are your organisation’s main operating account and that these are always kept up to date in the Lotterywest Portal.
Managing your grant
Through the Portal you can manage and acquit (account for) your grant, which includes:
- Providing an update on progress
- Requesting an extension of time or variation
- Providing your final acquittal report including outcomes reporting
- Viewing all upcoming payments and any prepayment conditions
What sort of information should I collect along the way?
As part of your acquittal, you will be asked to provide information and evidence to demonstrate the outcomes your organisation achieved through your grant.
While each grant is different, you should have an idea of the outcomes you are aiming to achieve when you apply (these should align to the outcomes of the specific grant program), and how you can measure and report on them.
Outcome reporting can be qualitative or quantitative. You will have the opportunity to make your final report when you are acquitting your grant through the Portal.
A more in depth understanding of impact
Some organisations may be funded to undertake an evaluation of their grant. The evaluation process will help you to examine what outcomes the grant has enabled, what worked well and what did not work well, lessons learnt and insights which may be relevant for other organisations or sectors. This is particularly relevant for projects which are trying new things, which are complex or large scale, or have opportunities for sector learning associated.
If your organisation is funded to complete an evaluation, Lotterywest will work with you to determine an appropriate approach to meet your needs.