Lotterywest Healthway Grants Portal

Lotterywest and Healthway are improving the way we manage grants to provide a better experience for grant applicants and to maximise impact. 

The Lotterywest Healthway Grants Portal is a central location for individuals and organisations to request funding, track progress, and manage grants.

In 2023 we launched a new Grants Portal. This is a web-based platform that supports the management of the entire grant life cycle and allows us, to manage Lotterywest and Healthway grants from application and acquittal in the one place. 

In the Grants Portal you are able to: 

  • Request a new Lotterywest or Healthway grant.
  • Update your organisation’s details including adding governance documents, annual reports and financial statements.
  • View your organisation’s grant history, including past and current grant requests.
  • Submit amendment requests for current grants.
  • Report on your grant, including submitting progress and final acquittal reports.
  • View upcoming payments for active grants.

Click here to visit the Portal.

FAQs: Lotterywest Healthway Grants Portal

What are we doing?
What is a Grants Management System (GMS)?
What are the benefits of a new GMS?
What can grant applicants do in the Lotterywest Healthway Grants Portal?