Grant opportunities

Lotterywest’s vision, as the only government-owned lottery in Australia, is to build a better Western Australia together. We do this by working with organisations across the State to deliver projects and initiatives that achieve outcomes for our communities.

Our Community Investment Framework is a road map to support that vision.

To achieve our vision, we aim to provide funds across five priority areas:

  • Inclusive thriving community
  • Connected cultural experiences
  • Protected sustainable ecosystems
  • Smart innovative society
  • Active healthy people

For each priority area there are supporting statements that highlight what outcomes you should be seeking to achieve from your idea to support the Western Australian community.  If you need support, we can work with you to understand how your idea contributes towards achieving one or more of these outcomes.

CIF 2024We are committed to maximising the positive impact of our grants for the WA community.  This includes looking beyond the direct outcomes of an initiative to promoting practices that are respectful of Aboriginal peoples, inclusive, healthy, sustainable and child safe.

That’s why our Good Practice Requirements  apply to all grant requests received from 1 January 2024.

It is always good practice to engage with those who will benefit from, or be affected by, your initiative to make sure you are considering their needs and maximising impact.

Our team are here to help you think about what you might need in order to meet these requirements. This includes considering any costs associated with addressing the requirements as part of your grant.

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Arts & culture infrastructure grants

Arts & culture infrastructure grants

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Natural Disaster Recovery Fund

Natural Disaster Recovery Fund

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Ready to apply?

Ready to apply?

Visit our Grants Portal to start your application.

Grassroots Community-Led

Our Grassroots Community-Led program is where organisations and the community are in the driver's seat. Come to us with your big (or small!) ideas to contribute towards making your community better and healthier.

Applications are open year-round, and we'll be looking to support grants which align to our priorities. From time to time we may also have grant rounds to target specific needs or opportunities. To stay up to date with Lotterywest grants, please subscribe to our mailing list.

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Developing Solutions

Our Developing Solutions program enables us to work strategically and proactively to achieve lasting change in key Lotterywest focus areas. We will develop a range of opportunities which might include bringing together partners, instigating collective impact initiatives, seeding new ideas, taking pilot projects to scale and working at systems change.

There are no applications for this grant program at this stage - our team will work directly with organisations to invite applications aligned to our focus areas. We will remain a partner in grant delivery.

Learn more

Grant Opportunities FAQs

Who can apply?
  • Not-for-profit organisations and local government authorities can apply for Lotterywest grants. Not-for-profit organisations can range from small unincorporated groups to large multi-functional organisations.
  • Individuals, profit-making organisations and Government organisations are not eligible to apply.
What can Lotterywest support?

To be eligible for Lotterywest support a grant request must be:

  • for charitable or benevolent purposes with outcomes that will benefit the WA community and align with one of our priority areas
  • directly related to your organisation’s purpose. Quick tip: You can check the ‘objects’ or ‘purpose’ in your organisation’s constitution or rules
  • taking place in WA, or be of direct benefit to the WA community

We will work with you to explore your initiative, and if we can support it, or if there are other initiatives we can support your community with.

What doesn't Lotterywest support?
  • Individuals, profit-making organisations and government organisations;
  • The promotion of sport, including equipment or a vehicle that will support sporting teams or travel for sporting teams. Grants may be supported if a charitable purpose can be identified such as providing activities for people with disabilities or the elderly, where community outcomes will be achieved, or where sport is used to engage with disadvantaged community members;
  • Projects taking place interstate or internationally;
  • Ongoing operating costs, however time limited project costs may be supported;
  • The faith based activities of religious organisations, however the welfare and community service activities of faith based groups may be supported;
  • Retrospective requests;
  • Elements funded by Government or under individualised funding arrangements;
  • Replacement funding for an organisation or service;
  • Government schools are not eligible however independent, not-for-profit schools may be able to apply. Activities and assets that are core school responsibilities e.g. playground equipment for schools or education materials. There may be scope to support projects that are:
      • Led by Parents & Citizens Associations (P&Cs) and Parent & Friends Associations, or other suitable not-for-profit organisations.
      • Linked to schools that meet a community need aligned with a priority area and outcome.
  • Prizes for individuals, or prizes for organisations that won’t deliver a specific charitable purpose
  • The purchase of cigarettes or unhealthy food or drink, including alcohol

If you are unsure of the eligibility of your organisation or project, please call us to discuss.

How much can be requested?

We accept applications from $3,000 upwards. Please don't under or overestimate your request. Request the amount that will support your initiative, has a strong case to support it, meets relevant assessment considerations and demonstrates value for money.

The limit for unincorporated groups and organisations not GST registered is a combined total of up to $15,000 for each financial year.


Watch our introduction to the Community Investment Framework webinar to learn more about Lotterywest’s grant-making.